APSA solutions made simple
Alexandria Patient Safety Alliance - Solutions Made Simple (APSA - SMS) program aims at creating wide spread awareness and successful implementation of the Egyptian Patient Safety Standards as mentioned in the Standards for Hospitals published by the Ministry of Health.
APSA will present guidance on how to implement and audit these standards. Each APSA – SMS will include a short action plan for the implementation of the standard, audit forms to evaluate success of implementation and an educational slid show that could be used for educational purposes. These documents are presented in Arabic to ensure widest implementation among healthcare providers.
Implementation tool
This tool has been designed to help in implementing APSA Solutions Made Simple. The tool is based on the PDSA (Plan – Do – Study – Act) quality improvement cycle. The PDSA cycle offers a route for systematic implementation and improvement. Often the patient safety standard cannot be achieved in one cycle, and so the cycle is repeated. Even if the desired aim is achieved a new aim is defined and the cycle repeated. With each new cycle improvement in patient safety standards will be achieved and so on.